DIY:: iron cover - & a simple how to do

When I recheck my fabric box, actually, there are left-over fabric for my cousin's comforter. So when i saw his iron cover is not changing since he bought it from ikea, so I decide to make one for his iron board. at the same time, my iron board at my home also need to get a new iron cover since it bigger than what we can buy. so i measure both of the iron board and start to make it.

1) at my cousin house. Actually this iron board is from ikea, but i do check the cover replacement, it cost about more than rm50 (if not mistaken).

2) so iron board from ikea. fabric from ikea.. perfect :)

3) the other cover at my house.

4) beneath it, i put a thick fabric to replace the span. then i cover it.

So here how i do it. (sorry coz i dont take a picture for it)
1) make a pattern by tracing your iron board into the newspaper.
2) add about 4 inch for all side ( plus the seam)
3) cut the fabric based on the pattern u make.
4) sew the side and make casing for the rope.(remember to sew it twice or 3 time to make sure it not torn when you pull the rope when placing it on iron board.)
5) insert the rope into the casing
6) place it on the iron board and pull the rope together adjust the cover so it fit.
7) tie the rope.
so it done..


  1. wahhh cantiknyer.. new look.
    just 1 Q.. letak batting or fiber tak, so that it will a bit spongy skit instead of terus kat board tu...

  2. i tak letak batting/fiber. coz terlupa nak beli. but i letak kain yang tebal kat bawah dia... so atleast bila i iron, xdelah corak jaring tu ada kat baju2 :) (cos bahagian bwh tu, dia mcm jaring2 besi)

  3. wow.. nice tutorial.. walaupun xde pic, tapi senang paham.. tq for sharing...
    kak mila.. jom try... ngee :D


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