Jom Jahit-Trim Catcher - earth theme..

This time, tini from organize the 'jom jahit' program. But I rarely use this trim catcher (coz I always have my small dustbin beside my sewing desk). But seeing this tutorial from the stiching room. it make an idea to try this tutorial for the trim/thread catcher.. So here my final product :)

1) a pieces after sewing the bottom part.

2) the final. u can refer on the tutorial link I provide above. just a simple but nice tutorial

so see ya next time.. bye..


  1. pretty catcher u have there.. i done mine too.. the first one actually.. salam kenal.. :)

  2. salam shafri.. ni kalau tak dijadikan trim ctacher... jadikan tempat simpan barang pon ok.. benang ke kan hikss

  3. manis bila pulak nak do the scraps?

  4. I like the colours you have used. They are fun little projects I am glad you liked my tutorial.

  5. Mama Daniel-thanks mama daniel :)..
    Tini - hmm tulah. ingat maybe nak buat besar skit kot. jd kotak... boleh store brg2 lain
    Kak Rosni- hehehe ada idea nak baut apa. cuma tak smpt nak buat lg. sbb scraps tu tertinggal kat umah yg satu lg tu..
    Leanne- thanks you. Glad i found ur blog and this easy tutorial


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