Charity Project: : Safari & black white Rainbow Theme

pencil case for them
Just want to participate the charity organize by Kak Ayu finish all it last sunday and i already post it yesterday. hope Kak ayu receive it...
 There are many tutorial that u can find using mr google. So maybe reader also can make a same like me :)

just 1 pocket at the front. i use velcro.

First group of five (Safari Rainbow 1)

Second group of five (Safari rainbow 2)

Third Group of five (Black white rainbow)
I hope that orphan especially the boy are happy with this gift.. (Specially target just for boys since i know many blogger who participate will make a pencil case from a flower kind of fabric. So this pattern are much suit the boy.)

Lastly, thank to kak ayu for organizing it. Maybe next year, we can do it again :)..


  1. bestnya ada poket.. bleh selit macam2 kan..

  2. yeap. biasalah budak2 sekolah, at least ada tmpt diorg nak ltk jadual waktu ke, kertas2 yg kecik kan..


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