Dulang hantaran - white green theme

It been long since I update this blog. actually I had to finish one thing that been request by my friend/housemate for his wedding. :) He ask me to decorate 'dulang hantaran'. Actually his wedding will be on early february next year. But he ask me to do it before he return to his hometown this week. So based on what he bought, i just add creativity and buy small thing just to make this simple dulang hantaran as he requested. (please ignore the background coz my room is a mess at the time i took the picture :) )

1. All that he bought at Nilai 3 together with his fiancee.

2.Including this butterfly :)

3) The first design that I recommended to him.

4)Bunga Dulang that been completed. I just add a green ribbon and some silver ribbon to make this more beautiful (actually he bought bunga telur. So i had to separated all and recreate it back again).

5) The butterflies that I glued to the wire.

6) The dulang is packed and ready to send to his hometown.

7) The final finish design that I make an example since the thing which suppose to place on this dulang are not here

8) The green fabric I bought it at Ikea ( 100% polyester) actually a curtain fabric. which easy for me because it not require hemming. Just cut and lay it :)

So here are the dulang. Just a simple one for my housemate.


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